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T Abs

Abs Exercise

T Abs Group Classes

Six-pack exercises don’t start and end with sit-ups. As any proud owner of six-pack abs will attest, it takes more than just endless crunches, twists and sit-ups to achieve your goal of a cobblestone core. In fact, you may want to abandon crunches all together if you want to get smart on your six-pack.

Abs, you see, are much more than a chiseled torso and an excuse to wear a tight t-shirt, they are also one of the most important muscles in your body and having a stronger core will help your strength in other lifts — helping your numbers on bench presses, overhead work, deadlifts and squats creep upwards and improve your recovery — while helping you maintain good posture and even eliminate back pain.

Professional Trainers at Target Gym designed and developed abs exercises designed to strengthen your core.